Category Archives: Kewbeachouse Condominium

WEEK 2: Piling

KewBeachouse is located on the shores of Lake Ontario. Due to its proximity to the lake the project required the expert knowledge of Geo-Technical Engineers. They recommended the use of helical piles as part of the structure. Once excavation was complete, surveyors came on to site to accurately locate each pile position. Special piling contractors…
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WEEK 1/2: Excavation

Once all the wood and scrap was removed the bricks and foundations were excavated to make space for the new foundations.

WEEK 1: Process of Demolition

The demo experts from LIONS DEMO arrived on Thursday and began to carefully demolish the two houses. They took one half down strategically. Then took great care with the north house to bring it down with ease to ensure it would not collapse outwardly. The Demo experts carried out material separation on site. Wood and…
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The two existing buildings will be brought down to prepare for excavation.

Today marks the start of construction after the long process to get this building made. Brian and Marilyn were on site to see the first bite being taken away!

Let the Demolition commence!!!